Monday, December 5, 2016

Rumble in the jungle

I'm new to juggling,  but not to rumble.   Sometimes you have to try new things on familiar tools.

Friday, October 14, 2016

That's a nice streak I went on to make it to silver

I made it to Silver v, what a major life accomplishment

I wanted to make silver because I was silver season 4.  I made it and I feel nothing.  But I went on a 6 game winning streak before losing. It's 3am time to sleep,  I'll check the stats in the morning.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016

These are the Champs I play support and top lane champs

League of legends champions

Why League of Legends?


The main reason that I got into League of Legends is because it would run on my hundred dollar laptop.  I had played warcraft 3 dota back in the day before I had given up video games.  Thats another story.  But ya, League of Legends came to me, and I have been hooked for the last two years.  I don't play it all of the time, but I play a fair amount for sure.

I like the support role because you are watching the mini map, laying wards and trying to get your adc fed.

My style is fairly aggresive, but I get caught out of position a lot and average over 6 deaths a game which is really bad.  However, I average 3 kills and 13 assists at the time of this writing.  I am level 7 tahm kench and sona both of which I am proficient at.

I'm currently bronze 1 which is still trash but it is in the top 70 percent of advanced play so thats not too bad.  anyway.

solo que whats up.

Does anyone else need a support?  Select303